Thursday, April 9, 2009

Browser Tools, Podcasts and Video

Today I pulled off a RULA marathon and finished all three of the final exercises!

Browers Tools
I stumbled upon StumbleUpon and didn't think too much of it. Because I don't spend much time randomly browsing the web, I would rather search for things that interest me as the need arises. THEN, I checked out Cooliris......very cool. I'm looking forward to uploading my Bahamas pictures to Flickr and viewing them with Cooooooliris.

I was always under the impression that iTunes was strictly for downloading music!. This, to me, was the most exciting new discovery. I used the URL that was given as a sample discovered all kinds of music that I can play on my computer based on what interests me. I really enjoyed this and will use it in the future.

I've used YouTube many times before. Do some people not know that anyone in the world can see these!! On the other hand, what a way to get yourself "out there". Regardless, there are some very funny videos out there, that's for sure. These are two of my current favourites.